Picture of the Week |
Spanish Synagogue
impressions: 39956
overall vote: 4.95
Would you like to reserve a hotel? Pleasant hotels that were inspected and approved by us.
Accommodation at reasonable prices - 1/2/3 bedroom apartments in the center of Prague.
Looking for guided tours in and around Prague? (Cesky Krumlov, Kutna Hora also available).
Fast and convenient transfers from Prague (airport, Czech Republic and Europe).
Pick-up: in Czech Republic.
Return: in Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, Poland, Slovakia.
Detailed information for Prague, Cesky Krumlov, Kutna Hora, Telc, Brno, Olomouc, Plzen etc.
Book vacation packages, online editing available (3 days/2 nights in Prague).
Why travel to the Czech Republic
• Rich History: Our country is located in the very center of Europe. It is a place of innumerable significant historical events. Visit our unique historical and other treasures not found in Wien (Vienna), Roma or Paris.
• Convenient Location: Located literally in the Heart of Europe Czech Republic is easily reachable from many surrounding countries. You can reach Czech borders by car within an hour from Vienna (Wien) or Krakow in two or three hours from Nürnberg (Nuremberg) or München (Munich) and in four hours from Berlin or Frankfurt am Main (Frankfurt).
• Young Democracy: Czechoslovakia was reborn as parliamental democracy in 1989. Once again freedom and democracy are the most important values for Czech and Slovak people. In 1993 Czechoslovakia was peacefully divided into the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. Today our country is a member of NATO and European Union.
The name of our country in selected languages
• Ceska republika (Czech), Tjekkiet (Danish), Tsjechië (Dutch), Republique tcheque (French), Tschechien (German), Csehorszag (Hungarian), Repubblica Ceca (Italian), Tsjekkia (Norwegian), Czechy (Polish), Cechia (Russian), Republica Checa or República Checa (Spanish), Èehija (Latvia)
• Incorect names: Czech Rebuplic, Chez Republic, Czech Republik, Czheck Republik, Cheh Republica, Chech Republic, Chezck Republic, Czeck Republic, Ceka Republic, Czechoslovakia Tourism, Check Republic, Tchecque, Checo, Ceck
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